It is a magic rose, a point of imagination. Therefore it is easy to relate its qualities to different fields: Scientific, emotional, artistic and more.
The Human mind evolution is created by leaps and sudden changes.
The internal development leaps has many names: Inspirations, enlightenments, insights and more.
A particular significance exists in preparing the soul for enlightenments in our modern society, where the motivated thinking became refined. The modern man places goals for himself by creating a central image of them in his mind, for their fulfillment step by step. A dream palace in the mind's core may produce random, unplanned creative directions of thought.
Any inspiration is created with in a short flash of time. At the same time it refutes all that existed before. Thus, it creates the need to be experienced fully for all its potential.
A. Clock
We all live by the rhythm of time. The ticking clock arranges our life. Time's concept, continuity and experience, receives attention in Philosophy and Literature. It is known nowadays, according to Relativity Theory, that there is no universal form of time. It is dependant on the subject's movement. Its sense is different from one human being to another.
In the modern novel, the difference of Time's experience between characters is, in many cases, emphasized. The literary realism pretends to describe mental states and not an outward world. Writers from the 'Stream of Consciousness' deal in length with the differences between the internal subjective sense of time and external objective time. They create worlds where the instant turns into a long time and vice versa.
Louis Carroll was an author who went to the edge of Logic in describing the subjective nature of Time. In his book 'Alice in the Wonderland' there is a passage which describes 'Time' as a personality.
Alice mocks about a clock with only one pointer as a funny object.
The Mad Hatter, offended, replies: "If you knew Time like me, you would treat him as a celebrity. He and I were once close friends. We served together the Empire in a remote army base."
Time's personality can be developed, according to Sigmund Freud's system, into Super Ego, Ego and Id.
The simple clock can be described in this way:
The slow hours' pointer is the severe Super Ego.
The tempered minutes' pointer is the restrained Ego.
The rapid seconds' pointer as the light headed Id.
B. Amendment
Mind distortions of the external Time's moves create sometimes a new perception of reality. People happen to get into situations of stress or elation where what they know is not enough for solving problems. They stop thinking according to the objective time. They look after the subjective time inside them.
The phrase: "There are moments which seems like infinity", describes it.
So does the biblical verse in Genesis chapter 9, verse 20: "Jacob worked for Rachel Seven Years, which were to him as few days".
This lack of harmony between external time and the soul's necessities can create particular thoughts. These are unclear durations, where experiences become long or short according to their contribution to the mental peace.
Slowly, the external and internal time unite again to a recovery synthesis. But the exit from the crisis can be to new unfamiliar world definitions.
The move of the internal time which searches after its reconnection to reality can be called: Amendment. ['Tikun' in Hebrew].
During the amendment process, pieces of experience move in partial chaos and create mazes, where the soul moves apparently with no way out. The soul reconstructs in this way new possibilities.
When this process is completed, the mazes turn into a new model which suggests a solution.
Amendment is a life experience for almost any modern man. All religions offer ways for amendments through study of morality, abstention or asceticism.
In Judaism, amendment is the central concept of Kabala, mystical interpretation of the Scriptures developed into a structure of spiritual values.
The amendment concept is rooted in the secular way of life through concepts such as 'amending experience', which is an event, sometime traumatic, that suggest change in thoughts and behavior.
Regularly the choice for Amendment practice is because of the desperate need of finding answers to questions of personal identity, in a permissive world where many do not know which way to choose.
Seldom, the choice of the Amendment way is for answering more focused questions.
C. Enlightenment
Sometimes, while staying deep in the amendment mazes, the external time is sensed only in the consciousness' edges. When the solution comes, it is sudden and unexpected. It is named many times: Enlightenment.
One night, sitting on bed before sleep, a question came suddenly into my mind: "What is Time"?
At that moment I paid attention also for other internal happenings: The reveries of time and the amendment process intermingled. Thinking simultaneously about inner and outer reality, an insight flashed in my mind:

D. Integration between subjective and objective
The formula 'Time Equal Amendment Second' describes an integration between the objective and subjective reality.
From a scientific view point, according to the doctrine of the general relativity, any massive body in movement drags the space with it. Distortion like this is likely also near revolving bodies, which convolute the expanding space in their proximity. The more the body is massive, the more the phenomenon is significant.
Close to Planet Earth, the field of gravitation is strong enough to the point of convulting slightly the space.
This supposed phenomenon will stand to the tryout with a satellite experiment.
E. Interpretations of the word 'second'
The word 'second' has four meanings:
F. Experiencing Time Equal Amendment Second
The feeling of experiencing 'Time Equal Amendment Seond' is similar to the inner feeling that two people sense when they calibrate their clocks against each other.
Visually, this experience is like a slow motion examination of a phenomenon, for example a water drop.
Unification of the objective and subjective Time is common in works of art more than is commonly thought.
Meir Shalev, in his book 'As in few days', brings many wonderful paragraphs about the impressions of the relationship between the objective and subjective times:
Page 97: "My mother showed me the shade of the eucalyptus tree, That in its size, direction and coolness said 'nine in the morning', the red leaves of the pomegranate that said 'middle March', the tooth that tottered my mouth and said 'six years old', and the little creases in the angles her eyes, that flickered and said 'forty'.
''You see", she said, "like that you are amid the time. If they will provide you a clock you will be only near it".
A wonderful emotional depiction of the deep experience of alliance between the objective and subjective times is of a boy who observes the watchmaker in his work:
"The craftsman, a Hungarian watchmaker from the old generation, started my instructions when I was in the age of four. He promised me the right to sit beside him when he repaired wristwatches and clocks. My first happy lesson was to sit quietly, without disturbing him from his delicate repairs. To my surprise, I succeeded almost without a try, because when the craftsman worked something marvelous took place. Tremendous Love and tranquility filled the space of the workshop, and I sank in the absolute silence that surrounded him. When I concentrated in his work, the exterior silence that I sensed was reflected immediately in the inner hush. All the feelings of misfortune, the pressures and the wretchedness, dissolved."
But most of all, the formula 'Time Equal Amendment Second' is intended for adapting the idea of thinking outside the common order, for growing freedom of perception and thought that until now were not known.
These are possible through quantum uncertainty, where neurological processes and changes in perception may change the reality in the wake of every thought.
At that moment I paid attention also for other internal happenings: The reveries of time and the amendment process intermingled. Thinking simultaneously about inner and outer reality, an insight flashed in my mind:
The formula exists as a whole perception of reality.
It turned, for a moment, to be my magic rose. I could observe the entire universe, but only for a short time. I felt as in a rocket launched into space. I didn't have the means to preserve it. It was an immediate flash of light in the darkness and was going to fade away very soon. It created the need to be experienced fully for all its potential.
D. Integration between subjective and objective
The formula 'Time Equal Amendment Second' describes an integration between the objective and subjective reality.
In the moment of enlightenment there are two entities in the mind: The initial entity which holds to the conservative past and the new born one which holds to the revolutionary future.
In true reality, there is no division of time to past, present or future. There is only one eternal situation of things and events. You cannot describe the universe just with ordinary Time.
Time is a cube and time periods are sides of that cube. People see usually only one side, which is in front of them. But in the state of enlightenment, it is possible to go around the cube and see it from behind too.
In true reality, there is no division of time to past, present or future. There is only one eternal situation of things and events. You cannot describe the universe just with ordinary Time.
Time is a cube and time periods are sides of that cube. People see usually only one side, which is in front of them. But in the state of enlightenment, it is possible to go around the cube and see it from behind too.
Discoveries through a flash of insight are possible in any area of human activity. Personal problems can also be solved that way. An insight in these fields can be stronger and clearer, since it deals with real characters and not abstract subjects.
From a scientific view point, according to the doctrine of the general relativity, any massive body in movement drags the space with it. Distortion like this is likely also near revolving bodies, which convolute the expanding space in their proximity. The more the body is massive, the more the phenomenon is significant.
Close to Planet Earth, the field of gravitation is strong enough to the point of convulting slightly the space.
This supposed phenomenon will stand to the tryout with a satellite experiment.
E. Interpretations of the word 'second'
The word 'second' has four meanings:
A. in Mathematics, it is the serial position after 1 and before 3.
B. in Mathematics it is also the multiplying of a number by itself.
C. in Time measurement, it is precisely 1/60 of a minute.
D. In common language it is used for describing a short and undefined time.
B. in Mathematics it is also the multiplying of a number by itself.
C. in Time measurement, it is precisely 1/60 of a minute.
D. In common language it is used for describing a short and undefined time.
This multiple meaning can cause misunderstanding. It suggest the existance of a vast field of the unknown.
F. Experiencing Time Equal Amendment Second
The feeling of experiencing 'Time Equal Amendment Seond' is similar to the inner feeling that two people sense when they calibrate their clocks against each other.
Visually, this experience is like a slow motion examination of a phenomenon, for example a water drop.
Unification of the objective and subjective Time is common in works of art more than is commonly thought.
Meir Shalev, in his book 'As in few days', brings many wonderful paragraphs about the impressions of the relationship between the objective and subjective times:
Page 97: "My mother showed me the shade of the eucalyptus tree, That in its size, direction and coolness said 'nine in the morning', the red leaves of the pomegranate that said 'middle March', the tooth that tottered my mouth and said 'six years old', and the little creases in the angles her eyes, that flickered and said 'forty'.
''You see", she said, "like that you are amid the time. If they will provide you a clock you will be only near it".
A wonderful emotional depiction of the deep experience of alliance between the objective and subjective times is of a boy who observes the watchmaker in his work:
"The craftsman, a Hungarian watchmaker from the old generation, started my instructions when I was in the age of four. He promised me the right to sit beside him when he repaired wristwatches and clocks. My first happy lesson was to sit quietly, without disturbing him from his delicate repairs. To my surprise, I succeeded almost without a try, because when the craftsman worked something marvelous took place. Tremendous Love and tranquility filled the space of the workshop, and I sank in the absolute silence that surrounded him. When I concentrated in his work, the exterior silence that I sensed was reflected immediately in the inner hush. All the feelings of misfortune, the pressures and the wretchedness, dissolved."
But most of all, the formula 'Time Equal Amendment Second' is intended for adapting the idea of thinking outside the common order, for growing freedom of perception and thought that until now were not known.
These are possible through quantum uncertainty, where neurological processes and changes in perception may change the reality in the wake of every thought.