Read a new original book: Air and Screen - Combined History of Aviation and the Media

Read a new original book: Air and Screen - Combined History of Aviation and the Media
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Wholehearted - Biography of Avraham Zandman


Many years have passed since the end of World War II, but it seems as if nothing has changed and it happened just yesterday. The geopolitical reality in which we live requires the Jewish people to have existential survival skills. Therefore, there is great value in every story that fully embodies the humanity and resourcefulness of the Jewish people in those days. This is the story of Avraham Zandman, who, during his tribulations in Poland and Russia during the war, preserved and developed his values and creative spirit. His story portrays history as alive and breathing, even in its most remote corners. Like one of the literary giants, he illuminates the nature and soul of humanity with a poetic spotlight.

Enjoy reading!

Also available for reading on Amazon Kindle

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