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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Middle East speech of Obama and 1967 borders

Obama addressed his speech of the 'Arab Spring' to Egypt and the entire Arab world, but the many phrases about the commitment of the United tates to Israel's security made it clear that the Holy Land is in the center of his vision about the region.

The reference of the U.S. president to the return of Israel to its 1967 borders was not intended to Israeli ears, nor Palestinian, but rather to the Egyptians.

This key phrase is one of the last attempts of the U.S. government to halt the deterioration in relations between the Egyptian and Israelis, which are the result of regime change in Egypt.

It was intended to say that despite the dramatic changes in the region, the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, by which Israel returned to the 1967 lines, is still one of the cornerstones of U.S. policy in the Middle East.

At the end of government transformation process in Egypt, which will occur throughout the year, it is expected that the regime there will be much more radical Muslim, and use any pretext, particularly about mistreated Palestinians, to cancel the peace treaty with Israel.

The current Egyptian transition government, still holding to the politcal principles of the previous regime, listened closely to Obama's speech, and was quick to announce after the speech that the peace agreement with Israel is one of the pillars of Egypt's foreign relations and that there is no substitute.

The State of Israel must learn United States' will to help Israel, an issue that Obama spoke about widly in the speech, and prepare for the future.

Obama will use simultaneously the '1967 borders' concept with Israel, the Palestinians, and Egypt.

This will be the 'sophisticated key' for him for developing a sophisticated foreign policy with these three political parties, and all other political factors involved in the conflict.

But if the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians get stuck, it is likely that the Egyptians would cancel the peace agreement.

In such a case, the '1967 borders' concept will require Obama to defend the security of Israel, and send American forces to the Suez Canal.

Obama's mistake regarding Israel was that he chose to use the hot key concept of his plan, the '1967 borders', without attaching to it a simple, personal relaxing introduction. This is similar to opening fitness exercises without heating, or beginning the day without practicing some relaxation breathing.

The state of Israel was dropped due to this 'hot potato' to a process on which it has no control, the same as the political process between the years 1967 to 1973.

The absence of a clear map of Greater Israel worked always against the Zionist idea.

All Israeli politicians involved in resolving the conflict on the borders of the land held, as a result, to such abstract concepts and intangible values, that only few Israelis could understand.

Then as now, Israel remained almost entirely in the fog, not ready to face the future and prepare for it.

The map of the Human Figure of the Holy Land is designed to meet this inherent flaw.