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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Terrorism of poor regional planning in Israel

The 'Human figure map of the Holy Land' was created, in part, from a desire to give the  environmentally wounded Land of Israel an idyllic look.

The desolate land with a natural look which was attended by early Zionists is nowdays largely covered with a layer of concrete and asphalt, in part because of the desire for territorial achivements.

The Arabs who live in Israel and the Palestinian Authority copied the pattern and also conquered the country in the same format, of towns invading endlessly to natural areas.

The result is a clash between two teritorial masses, which already reached a critical level.

Peace to Israel will not come by politicians, nor by capital investments in combined projects of any kind.

Peace will come by geographers and city and regional planners, who will sit and draw maps of areas and settlements under the most desirable and appropriate pattern, to enable the different communities in this land to grow in harmony. 

It will be done not in accordance with 'facts on the grounds' by which, for example, most Arab towns  in Israel were declaired as cities without a proper planning, or asphalt barons constructed more and more highways with intensive consuming of land and the like.

Planning should be done according to what is right and correct from the planning point of view, under the fact that the whole land from the Jordan river to the Mediteranean sea is just one small geographical unit, a small piece of land which should be designed and built under this definition.

This insight of more then just close proximity, the insight of one planning area, was ignored by the international and local politicians.

What will be the benefit of a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians if they will develop in their land concrete communities, which will spread within a few years and will cover all the hills, valleys and plains in an uncontrolled way.

Formulating a peace agreement without a united landscape image, designed and detailed in all aspects, will paradoxically hasten our  common downfall.

There are two theories of general regional collapse due to a severe environmental crisis:
The first describes the gradual and slow collapse.
The second describes an immediate collapse, after many years of apparent stability.

The best known result of terrorist extremism is terrorist acts against human beings. The results which are less published, but are very noticeable for those who know the land, are of construction terrorism, which violate the ecological balance and lndscape views under the arguments of religious, political and sectorial values.

The valleys around the Temple Mount, which were once green areas, had become over the last few decades crowded urban housing and unplanned neighborhoods.
On the other hand, the Israeli government covered the green hills around Jerusalem with suburban neighborhoods.

A building which is built in an inappropriarte  place will remain for centuries. Even if it would be demolished, there will be a very long time until nature will cover the ruins. 

This is in contrast to air pollution, which can be fixed within a relativly short time.

These serious facts on the ground are a form of terrorism that makes the conflict insoluble.

Alleged minor defaults of local authorities, which are not careful enough about construction laws, including careful planning and tight control, are the real source of the conflict today.

The Christian powers watch after the handling of the State of Israel in the field of regional planning. 
For them the State of Israel is part of the Holy Land, the idyllic land of the Bible and the New Testament, which is the object of all time longing.
Perhaps they prefer an ecological disaster, the result of construction violations which will make the country a no man's land, where might makes right.
Such a disaster is in accordance with the Messianic Christian concept of heavenly Jerusalem and the land of Israel as a place of longing only.
Environmental issues are very important to Germany in particular. Germany's re-unification was performed largely thanks to the strong German Green Party.

If we will learn to understand the critical importance of regional planning and establish appropriate authorities to enforce it properly, we can leverage it to a level where a peace agreement with the Palestinians would not be necessary.

Peace will be realized for granted in a country which is working on maintaining and developing the natural landscape, just as a person is recognized and respected by those around him if he behave properly.

Man is shaped in the pattern of the landscape of his birthplace.

The chaos of unplanned environment is spreading also to the planned urban environment.
Here are some examples of planning chaos in the cities in which we live:

Haifa metropolitan area is where the situation of the environment is getting worse all the time, in terms of regional planning in particular. For example, small adjacent cities with similar communities in Haifa bay create a dense cluster and long had to be united into one big city. This was not done and the result is a multi-year environmental cheos. The lack of strong leadership contributed to continous dangerous air pollution from the petro-chemical factories nearby.

The situation of public transportion in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area is very poor, according to a series of articles.

The damage that poor public transportion cause to the economy is enormous. Time lost for every citizen is accumulated into millions of hours each year. But it seems that none of the politicians is raising his glove, and we hear about a record year of cars sales, traffic congestion and endless new highways.

Israel need a 'Singapore Program'. Singapore has limited land resources and its civil leaders understood that they can not allow uncontrolled construction, that will prevent them from developing human resources properly. Therefore they have enforced strict rules in the field of environmental protection. Singapore is now a symbol and an international role model, but there is no political party in Israel which adopts this symbol.

There are many Insufficient government authorities in Israel, such as National Land Administration, currently undergoing a paradoxical  reform for privatizing state lands on one side and creating a unit for maintaining land resources on the other.

Preserving and maintaining the very limited land resources of Israel requires people of military stature, generals who will conduct the campaign against the territorial terrorism.  

They'll have to deal with the issues of enforcement of planning and building laws in a military disciplined manner. There should be headquarters, intelligence, forces, spokesmen and so on, as in any orgenized army.

Earth is an irreplaceable resource.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Islamic law is structured for political expansion

In religious Islam there is a built in system of political expansion, as part of the 'Sharia' [The full set of Islamic laws]. This political expansion result from the demographic spread of believers.

Judaism gave up the missionary role. Christianity and Buddhism are religions of faith alone, and they do not try to enforce their laws on the other and in everyday life.

In contrast to Christianity and Buddhism, Judaism and Islam are both dogmatic religions which pretend to give a religious answer to every facet of life.
But unlike the Jews, who wherever they were in exile dreamed only of the Holy Land as the realization of all their political aspirations, the aims of every Muslim who emigrated from his muslim state is to establish the Islamic state wherever he resides. This wish is fulfilled in implicit regulated process, step by step in a pre-programmed method, using specific set of religous laws known as the 'Dawa', together with the apparent desire to spread the Islamic faith.

What are the implications of this conclusion on the daily lives of Israeli citizens?
The answer is: a 'dog eat dog'.

Islam in Europe
From the article: "You shall inherit the continent of Europe: built-in Muslim ideology or reality of life?" 
By: Leah Kinberg, Moshe Dayan Center. 
The author describes very well the subject but lacks the conclusion: The direct political significance of the set of religous laws used by the muslim immigrants, referred to as 'Dawa', is an organized conspiracy striving to establish an Islamic state wherever they come.

"... The rationale underlying the Muslims to non-Muslim migration commandments, imposed as an act on migrants as representatives of religion, is to be role models and instill in their hosts the will to convert to Islam. That make the social phenomenon of migration a tool of preaching and proselytizing for Islam, or 'Dawa'. 'Dawa' is displayed as a duty incumbent on every Muslim who lives in a non-Muslim country and its purposes are to rally the ranks of the Muslim minority, mutual aid and preaching the way of behavior which can serve as an example and become a role model ... Just as Muslims will follow the Islamic 'Jihad' [religous conquering] as long as needed, that is as long as there are parts of a non-Muslim world, so the 'Hajra' [Imigration by all means] from the homeland will continue, accordingly the 'Dawa' [customs of immigrants] which justifies the 'Hajra' will not stop. This argument gives 'Dawa' dimensions which are not depended on time and place. As long as the world exists, it is commanding the Muslim believer to live according to the laws of his religion, to spread the religion, strengthen and expand, and thereby fulfill the most important aspect of the 'Jihad' ... Muslims living in Europe ... many of them born and raised in Europe ... all of them must represent the religion - A Muslim doctor in the hospital is merely representative of Islam, so are the engineer, the merchant, worker, student, they are all representatives of Islam ... Islam's way is through the dominant influencing of the 'Sharia' or by logging into politics - participation in elections and in fact in many cases both options go hand in hand ... "

Ariel Segal measures the 'blood pressure' in France. Europe knows that Jihad volunteers can return from their camps of rape and death in Syria and Iraq to enable continous terrorisim in the continent which tried to take them in. The groundwork for celebrations of Jihadism in France and other European countries was laid by intellectuals, who opened the door for terrorism through post-modern discourse and multi-culturalism.

Islam in China
The Muslim minority in China is of, according to research estimates, about 20 million people. The beginning of the Muslim presence in China was already in the 8th century AD, when Arab and Persian traders who sought to develop trade by sea routes round India, settled on the shores of the eastern ports of China. With the increase in trading volume, port communities were formed around the Moslim faith. Their people, while married to local women, sustained community life separate and distinct from the local language, religion and dress.
Mongol takeover of China in the 13th century led to an increase and expansion of the Muslim community. Mongols brought to China many Muslim soldiers from Western and Central Asia, as well as clerical and administrative personnel (engineers, architects, artisans and farmers), helping them with sustaining the rule of the Yuan Dynasty. Open borders for trade and economic wellness have led to many Muslims crossing the areas to the north and the south west of China, where you can find a large concentration of them today. Their connections to the Mongol conquerors, their privileges and isolated neighborhoods and the confrontation of the major Han population with the Muslim officialdom, contributed to foster feelings of hostility and hatred towards Muslims. Stories from that period depict the muslim as cruel, greedy and as aggressive, capable of any crime.
Fall of the Mongols in 1368 and rise of the Ming Dynasty is considered a glorious period in the history of China. Various scholars see this period as a kind of watershed for the Muslims. Voluntary isolation imposed by the rulers and the begining of pressures, Chinafication presures on the community, led many Chinese Muslims to change their names, use the local language for trade and speech and reduce differnet style of construction (including mosques) and clothing. Distinct identity began to take shape among the Muslim minority of Muslims known as 'Hui'. For the Hui people congregations in China the mosque was used far more then for prayer. The place was a religious school, social center, a local conflicts court, office, and sometimes even martial arts learning center.
The 'Sufi' movement began to be felt in China towards the end of the 17th century. In trade routes from Central Asia came to China Muslim clerics, most of them foreigners from Yemen and Bukhara and some Muslims who returned to China after studies and pilgrimage in cities of the Arabian peninsula. These charismatic personalities appeared soon in Muslim centers in China (Xinjiang, Gansu, Shaanxi, Yunnan) and started to gather around them students and followers. During the 18th century many of the Hui joined them.
Followers of 'Sufi' movement had attributed its onset values to Prophet Muhammad who preached for them. Muhammad himself did not preach asceticism and the denial of aerial life in this world, but many traditions ascribed to him bans the follies of the world: drinking wine, silk garments and the use of gold and silver. Furthermore, the Qur'an called the believers not to sin, so as not to be punished on Judgment Day.
Sufi communities appearance and the formation of their orders sparked tensions with the Chinese government of Manchu dynasty. The connection of some of the Muslims to trade routes, as religous orders were used as part of the trading stations/hostels in addition to their religious activities, impeded supervision. The building block for such an order always begun with a charismatic religious leader, often of foreign origin, who when reached a Muslim demographic concentration began teaching Islam to a small group of students. It was a way to integrate into the local community and gain a broader group of believers. The larger the circle of believers became, they established a unique community, with an upgrade to a more institutionalized phase, including transition to the national level.
The circumstances of the emergence of the Sufi movement in China and its establishment largely conformed with the social and political conditions which were formed at the time of the Abbasid Caliphate. Therefore it relatively quickly adapted and transferred its organizational structure, operated in Central Asia, to the terms of the Chinese Empire. On the national level there were Sufis armed with a theoretical concept, terminology and techniques of leadership that were so lacking for the Hui. They have helped many of the Hui to consolidate confidence and unique identity, of independent Chinese-speaking Muslims against the Chinese attempt to make them Chinese Muslims.

Concepts to keep in mind
Sharia - Islamic law, which is the foundation of the Islamic state.
Jihad - struggle against the infidels commandments, which is an integral part of the Muslim faith.
Hijra - a substantial Muslim immigration, which is inevitable as a result of demographic growth.
Dawa - Code of Muslims laws abroad, which they must fulfill in full in any foreign country in which they settle.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Human Face and Dragon shapes of Europe

Below is a map of Europe in the form of humanized face:

Figure of Europe as a pumpkin head

The first conclusion that emerges from the map is that Russia and the countries bordering it must join the EU. Not only geographical connection, but also the human and economic reasons demand it. The current political structure in Russia is flexible and it can take this opportunity.
The Mediterranean is also a part of  Europe's humanized face and inevitable partner of the EU in the future.
The same applies to the entire Middle East, including Iran.

Another anthropomorphic idea, with a lesser degree of personification, but one that is more known and consistent with the suffering of the Jews in Europe, is of the continent is in the form of a dragon. Its head is the Iberianpeninsula, the body is the European plane from France to the Urals, the legs are the Italian and Greek peninsulas, and Scandinavia is the large tail. The British Isles, which are not shown here, are the flames bursting from the dragon's head. The Baltic Sea is a human figure who is riding facing backward on the Bull's back

Europe as a dragon

This expression in the form of mythological dragon correspond to the mythological legend of Europe and Zeus who, disguised as a bull, seduced the princess Europe in Crete. The Bull's shape and attributes are similar to that of the dragon. It is an uncontrollable monster and the only way to cope with it is to turn away quickly and outsmart it, as did the Minoans in Crete with their acrobatics on bulls, and as the Spaniards does in their bulls fights.
From the mating between Europe and Zeus was born Minus, the father of Minoan Crete culture, which is the cradle of European culture. The identity between the human name and the mathematical concept [-] is not accidental at all, given the mythological-anthropomorphic background described here.

Europe riding Zeus who seduces her disguised as a bull

Will the EU be a 'Dragon' which does not accept into its ranks Islamic states, or a 'Human Face' with more flexible ethnic expressions?
America will react to the strengthening of the European Union through ties between the states of North and South America, creating together a political and economic bloc.
China's reaction will be similar, in the form of ties with the countries of South, East, and Central Asia.

The fate of Israel in light of the strengthening EU can only be imagined. Will it be strengthen or weaken? Will it join the EU or stay away with people who dwells alone?

The Map of the Holy Land as a Human Figure can deal with any possible scenario.

See also: Human figure of the Baltic Sea

Monday, August 04, 2014

Rooster shape of China map

Rooster shape of China map

Looking at the map of China, its shape is remarkably similar to that of a rooster. Its head is in the North-Eastern provinces, its magnificent tail include the Xinjiang and Tibet provinces and its wings spread across resource-rich basins of the Yangtze and Yellow River. This rooster's belly is in the southeast, and Hainan and Taiwan islands are its legs. A tour guide in a Yangtze River cruise, indicating this similarity, explained: "This shows that Taiwan is definitely an integral part of China. Rooster does not like to stand on one foot for too long."

In 1949, Mao Zedong, poet and founder of New China, wrote a poem that included the verse: "The rooster sings,  the sky is clearing up." The rooster is known as a fierce fighter and it was a  declaration of the people's victory over darkness at the beginning of each day.

In this sense the wrestler rooster is symbolic, but China has a history of cockfighting that dates back to 4,000 years ago. It is, therefore, a subject deeply rooted in its culture. Training roosters for fighting is an easy matter, because their instinct is to fend off their opponents in every way from their chickens' harem. 

It turns out that everyone in China learn this as children. It's deep in their minds - that's the way they envision the shape of their country. The children are taught so from a young age so they take it for granted. When asking citizens of China if they know for what the map of China is similar, they know this answer. But this does not mean that people outside China are aware of that. Almost no one outside of China know about that. Most foreigners are really surprised. There are those who mistakenly think it's a joke. Even Taiwanese people do not know. 

If you are looking on Google for the phrase 'China Rooster', you find plenty of pages. 
Well, okay, so we learned a bit of trivia. So what? What can you tell from the shape of China of international politics? 

The first thing that comes to mind is the territorial integrity of China. Chinese people know how their country should look like, to detail:
The capital, Beijing, is the rooster's throat. 
Harbin is the eye. 
Shanghai is on the chest. 
Tibet Autonomous Region is part of the tail feathers, which are very essential part of a rooster. Try to pluck the tail feathers of a rooster and you'll see real fast how it fight you with its beak and nails. 

And speaking of those nails, Taiwan represents one of the legs and the Chinese ask: 'How long can chicken stand on one leg? '

China's territorial integrity is important to the Chinese government partly due to the history of empires collapsing following the loss of territories. If this is what the Chinese government believe, then the separatist movements in China will not be tolerated. China is a fragile superpower. 

Finally, the No. 1 reason to remember the shape of a rooster is that it is a great way to get young children to learn the geography of the country, something which is going to be increasingly important during their lives. Chickens are great fun for youngsters.

Documents released by WikiLeaks revealed that a senior official in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in China officially claimed that the main reason behind the annexation of Tibet and Xinjiang to China was to ensure that future maps of Chinese territory will look like the exact shape of a giant chicken. This was said during a vivid meeting between the Minister Lu Penghuai and American diplomats which was held in June 2008, after the riots in the 'tail feathers' Tibetan province were suppressed dramatically by state security forces. 
If true, the documents can provide a tempting explanation why Beijing is so eager to keep the non-Hun regions and their populations which show great dislike to the Chinese government. 

Latest official map of China includes some more of China Eastern Sea. The addition is not very big, but it is the shape, not size, that caught the attention of some Chinese. Internet writer and social commentator published a new map of China which has been nothing like the standard rooster description Chinese kids learn in school and asked, innocently, like what the map looks like now. Cautious, in order not to attract the attention of the censors, they assessed that the shape looks more like an eagle

All of the world's greatest civilizations rose from countries in the form of familiar objects. Italy, homeland of the Roman Empire and later the nation of fascism and shoe industry, is shaped like a boot. Australia, the leader of the southern hemisphere and stuborn participant in two World Wars, looks like a head of an adult man with long life experience. The British Isles, the birth place of the greatest empire in the world, are shaped like a lady holding a Bulldog. ''If the rooster's wings and tail of Great China to be broken, how can we hope to succeed as a nation?'' Asked amused Chinese diplomats. 

"It was the firm belief of Chairman Mao Zedong, the former Communist leader who invaded Tibet in 1950, that if China's shape will be like a cock it will give her a Feng Shui advantage against the United States," said Professor Wang Ying from the National Bureau of cartography. "Mao used to joke that the U.S. "looks like nothing, and without Alaska and Hawaii its closest similarity is to Cyprus, pathetically." 

"Tibet, along with the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan, create the 'thighs and buttocks of the rooster," explained Professor Wang when elaborated on the concept, "and its wings spread across the Yangtze and Yellow River basins. The addition of Xinjiang province allows the rooster to spread its wings." 

The  'Rooster shape of China map' campaign was Mao's secret Politburo strategy throughout the first decades of communist rule. Global empathy to China during World War II resulted, in the words of Prof. Wang, from the fact that "our big birds head [Manchuria] was beheaded by the sword of the Japanese imperialists." This promised the return of the three large provinces in the North-East from former Soviet allies, before the relationship between the two superpowers were undermined after the death of Stalin. 

Today, every child knows the state as 'Cock of the East' and the war diaries of Chairman Mao are full of references to the political rooster as ''most resourceful of all birds."
In one of his popular articles from 1948, about 'Poultry and exploitation of the masses', Mao observes: "The Chinese farmer is like the poultry he is growing! We eat their meat and their eggs, prepared mattresses from their feathers, we make soup from the bones and use their manure as fertilizer. These traits for good example of the Chinese people, who become effective after breaking jim into the parts that comprise him".

Tibet and Xinjiang are sources of ethnic unrest which claimed many victims. Their apparent importance is that they are perceived as creators of buffer zones against the Soviet Union in the north and India in the south, as well as guaranteeing control of their precious natural resources. But during offices exchange cermony held in the the Interior Ministy, the troubled minister said that the government begin to lose patience with these provinces: ''Tibet and Xinjiang are remote, poor as dirt and the local Tibetan and Uighur people hate us. They drain massive amounts of money to stay hardly functioning. Who the hell would want them? ... Unless, of course, with their integration into our sovereign territory our national border can create the shape of a chicken," he said and paused to catch his breath. 

This confession explains why former U.S. President George W. Bush made chicken gestures of flapping wings during bilateral talks before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which failed to prevent hina's opposition of UN sanctions against Saddam Hussein. The Chinese thought it was a compliment. 

Rooster is the most eccentric sign in the Chinese zodiac. Roosters are full of dreams and romantic ideas. They are colorful and attractive, bright and bold, and they are quite proud of themselves. They are organized, accurate, and their sharp eyes seek the small details in everything. They are perfectionists and leave no room for human error. For roosters, a difficult task is a challenge. They love to start controversy. Roosters are also very good at expressing themselves in writing and speaking. They are knowledgeable in most subjects you want to discuss. When you challenge them you must be ready for a long fight. Their endurance is incredible and they win their positions at all costs. Even when they are wrong, they will still be right one way or another! Chickens can be harsh and cruel. Their direct approach to life makes them poor diplomats. They express their opinion with only slight reference to the feelings of others. Others get upset? Roosters are right, no? 

Here are some recent news headlines from recent months dealing with the connection of China to the rooster: 
- Birds flu in China. 
- Scare of expired chickens and with antibiotics in fast-food chains in China. 
- Kentucky Fried Chicken is the most popular food chain in China.
- There is concern about poultry imported from China to the United States. 
- China's naval ships conduct 'Chiken races'  against the U.S. fleet in East China Sea.

Language riddles:
- English words Chi_na and Chi_ken start exactly with the same syllable. 
- Hen is 'chicken' in English and thethe Hun people are more than 90% of China. 
- Chai - Tea is the national drink of China.
- Chi is a Chinese name for spiritual energy. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

From the Enlightenment to Romanticism periods following the invention of the flying balloon

The Enlightenment period which dominated Europe in the 18th century sought to define the world under empiric thought, in search of clarity and objectivity. During this period the modern science was developed. The basis for the development of the natural sciences was the work of social thinkers of the 17th century, who described the human being, on empirical principles, as someone who aspires for freedom, education, equality and toleration. These principles led to writing of the first encyclopedia in France, the flourishing of science and industry in this state and the rise of the bourgeoisie. 

The most significant technological achievement of the period, remarkably corresponds with the social ideas, was the invention of the flying balloon in 1783. It was developed simultaneosly in two different scientific-technological directions, a combination unmatched even nowdays in its originality. The flying balloon soaring by hot air was invented by the Montgolfier brothers. The flying balloon soaring by hydrogen gas was invented, a few months later, thanks to the scientist Lavoisier ability to produce this gas industrially. 

The flying balloon is considered, along with the wheel and the print, one of the ten major technological inventions in the history of mankind. The first impression of the giant silk balloon, colorfully painted, which was flown by the Montgolfier brothers for the first time over Paris in the fall of 1783 was immense. The impression of the much more effective hydrogen baloon, who flew for days and hundreds of miles, was beyond imagination. Everyone could now rise upto the sky and watch the world from above. The result was that the people revolt against the corrupt monarchy. But in the absence of proper cultural background social chaos took place, in the form of the bloody French Revolution.

During the chaos of the French Revolution it was Napoleon, an ambitious artillery officer who was among the first to use observation balloons for artillery purposes, who tried to impose political order in Europe, but without success. The wars he conducted caused political reaction that lasted a hundred years. This clumsy political development corresponded remarkably with the flying baloon technological development. The Reaction period of all the 19th century can be paralleled, by its nature of simple conservativity, to the simple reaction which is needed to creates the hot air or hydrogen.

The flying balloon started to be in use for  military intelligence, but especially when anchored to the ground to prevent the loss of observers and expensive equipment. After many successful flights in France, the balloon got attention in America and was used in the Civil War by the North for observations. It was one of the decisive factors of the victory over the South. Science fiction writers like Jules Verne described flying balloons with engines, but during the 19th century it remained at the mercy of the winds and therefore of limited use.

During the 19th century, in parallel with the Reaction period, the French Revolution sent ideological waves at Central Europe and shocked the Enlightenment ideas. In Germany in particular, a romantic period with its own uniqueness changed the way of thinking and affected the climate of thought. The Romantic period sought to break the limits of thought in favor of emotional values, undefined yearning and desire for the endless and unrealistic love. It was realized through belief in struggle and pathos. The Romanticism period was parallel to the central human desire at that time to fight the winds and navigate successfully in the sky.
This combination of Romanticism and Reactionism will be the backwind for Hitler.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Aviation importance to Germany

In the hundred years which passed from late 18th century up to late 19th century there have been sharp ideological and political transformations in Europe. They can be described as a transition from the Enlightenment period to the Romanticism period. These changes occurred in correlatation with the rapid technological developments, particulary in aviation. It was the transformation from the agricultural revolution to the industrial revolution. From God revealed out of cycles of fertility and growth to God who is revealed out of the machines. In aviation, this transformation was manifested through the development of the flying baloon, which its era of dominating the skies is paralel to the era of Romanticism.

The flying baloon, and later on the airship and airplane, were revolutionary inventions that science did not predict. They were created by technical ingenuity of practical men. There was not a proper preparation of society for them. During the 19th century flying balloons created new paths and destinies. Human beings soared to the skies of God realms and earth’s gravity was unchained. Human boundaries and limits have been redefined, creating a revolution of worldview. But instead of adopting the positive ideas of the French Revolution, Europe got regressed into reactionary monarchies during the 19th century.

In early 20th century there were more ideological changes that came with the invention of the airship and airplane. Romanticism was replaced with Modernism. The universal ideas of the French Revolution were converted into extreme nationalism. Man was released gradually from traditional conceptions about flight, which were always involved with wings of the birds and replaced it with new concepts, were high fixed speed became the supreme value. At the same time aviation was transformed, in an era of modern and total states where national defense became the ultimate goal, not just to a symbol of progress, but also to a symbol of unity and national victory. In the aviation dictatorships of the first half of the 20th century, Germany, the Soviet Union, Japan and Italy, the airplane was kind of a religious icon, a new form of religious fanaticism. It was identical with the spiritual flight.

During the second half of the 20th century Modernism gave way to Post Modernism . During this period the missile replaced the airplane as ruler of the skies. The armed balistic missille, controlled at the touch of a button which can eliminate humanity, brought people to cynical worldview centered on themselves.

The spread of Romanticism movement, contributed to a new political world view among the Germans, who lived until the late 19th century in small kingdoms ruled from towering hilltop castles and fought each other. The natural desire was to unite under one roof. In the second half of the 19th century they started a process of consolidating the small German states into one big state, called the Second Reich. The process came to an end only after Hitler's rise to power, when all police forces were consolidated into one central police controlled by the SS. Second Reich was the period in which Germany has moved from Romanticism to Modernism. German Modernism had a militarist face, according to the German political tradition. Below are few key concepts to describe the period:
Pan German - During the Second Reich many German citizens joined a romantic movement with broad popular definitions, the Pan German, which had irrational belief in anything that was 'Germany'. Pan German organizations were vocal and influential, with political pressure groups who often made declarations of intent and mobilized public support. They advocated modern paganism with alternatives to the established religions using appropriate rituals and texts.
Bismarck - Otto von Bismarck, the giant in body and spirit, was the Iron Chancellor of the Second Reich who began to unite the German states gradually under the control of Prussia, the great and powerful kingdom from the north.
The process created Germany as a constitutional monarchy. The emperor was an influential icon, who united all corners of the nation. Actual control was in the hands of Bismarck. But after the death of Bismarck there was not a political leader of stature to counterweight the emperor. As a result, Germany was dominated in the early 20th century by capricious and powerful emperor with few skills to manage huge modern state.
The Second Reich was characterized by a conservative and dominant central government. Bismarck used three main components for establishing its policies: modernization, imperialism, and militarism.
Modernization - Rapid industrialization and modernization took place, aided by the great migration of population from villages to cities. Smoking tall chimneys of factories were popular icon of this period. Modernization took place in recognition of the fact that the real political power is still in the hands of the aristocrats, despite the greater importance of manufacturers.
Imperialism - Bismarck understood the value of the colonies as an addition and as a unifying factor. One of his arguments was that Great Britain's international standing has limited the economic growth of Germany and threatened its security, because economic survival depends on the availability of foreign markets. German imperialism promised the masses of all the social spectrum limitless possibilities in overseas countries. German imperialism was spread especially across the borders of Germany, and the neighboring states became part of its sphere of influence.
Militarism - Imperialism demanded strong army, which was already an essential component of the centralized regime of Bismarck. In the past the powerful army of Prussia gave her a world reputation of great importance. But Prussia didn’t have non-European colonial tradition. Now, it had the momentum to take advantage of a full military potential. the imperialist and militaristic mindset united and inflamed the aristocracy, industrialists and the public and contributed to waves of intense nationalism.

Due to all these reasons and more, united Germany developed aviation with great enthusiasm. Later it would even be nicknamed a 'nation of aviators'. Biographies of Germany’s aviation pioneers shows just how great was their enthusiasm and contribution to the development of aviation in the world. It is equally possible to see how wrong choices made throughout their way shaped the destiny for their homeland and consequently how much it tempted the state to control the decision-making process on the issue, instead of letting free competition.

Otto Lilienthal was a German engineer of Jewish origin, a pioneer of aviation and world's most famous aviator during late 19th century. Lilienthal did much to promote aviation and was the first man who designed and built a glider that could carry a person. Lilienthal was attracted from the begining to the idea of flying through the imitation of the structure and movement of the wings of the birds, since this idea cdominated the perception of aviation in Europe from ancient times to Leonardo Da-Vinci. His brother Gustav continued this line of thought after his untimely death in an aerial accident and tried intensively, until the 1930th, to built a big airplane with waving wings, long after the airplane with fixed wings and propeller became a sole ruler of the skies.
In the late 19th century the Germans developed another air transport mode which and much more efficient, the airship. This was elongated flying balloon wuth a rigid frame and driven by motors, thus allowing movement not only by the grace of the winds. The airship too was invented by a Jew, David Schwartz, but was named after the key figure who developed and promoted it in Germany, Count Zeppelin, and after him all airships became known just as Zeppelins. Despite the initial enthusiasm, it was a huge machine and therefore very expensive, cumbersome and vulnerable, especially due to the use of flamable hydrogen gas to create lift capacity. Airship development was not possible through private enterprise alone. It needed the support of the German people, eager to finance and stimulate these air pioneers. After the first airship crashed and discouraged the inventors, it was the turn of businessmen and politicians who sold the dream to the masses. Thanks to the public's financial support and  enthusiasm, aviation enthusiasts won the idea of count Zeppelin to produce more and more airships and to make them, eventually, the major strategic weapon during World War I. It was despite the rapid development of airplane technology.

The airplane was invented in the United States and Germany imported the technological innovation while focusing on the airship. Germany was then in the mid of its rapid modernizm, colonialism and militarism and therefore the airplane created an internal conflict. There was an intense incentive to adopt imported technologies at the expense of local technologies, but at a huge price for the national pride.

Aviation Industry in Germany was developed from zero to be a najor part of the economy within few years. It was developed not just as an integral part of technological development, in  process similar to that of many other modern states. In Germany, during the first part of 20th century, instead of being integrated organically, it took the leading position of the economy, society and politics. Development and independence of any state are directly dependent on its means of transport and this is one more important reason why in Germany the airship, and later the airplane, were of absolute importance. Germany is a country isolated by natural barriers: the Alps in the south, the Baltic and the North Sea in the north and the Rhine river in the west. Intuitively, the advanced state developed air mindedness few steps higher and further. It became the combined icon of mobility, unity, modernizm, colonialism, militarism and nationalism altogether.

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Otto Lilienthal

During the development of aviation there has always been a sharp difference between 'experts' and 'prophets'. Experts were the experienced ones from the inside and were skeptical about the possibility of rapid development of aviation. When excited reporters asked Orville Wright about his predictions about the development of aviation he said that "prophecy is not my vocation”. The Wright brothers lived in a reality of everyday practical experience, of primarily small and gradual improvements in the area. When other aviation pioneers were asked to the prophecy, each one gave very careful predictions. Prophets, compared with the experts, were romantic visionaries who came from outside. Some of them were intellectuals, writers and poets, and some communication professionals, businessmen, politicians, and the public at large, who were all very enthusiastic about the new medium. Everybody composed countless phrases and tried various projects.
The biographies of the aviation pioneers of Germany shows just how great was their enthusiasm and contribution to the development of world aviation. It is equally possible to see how their wrong choices change the destiny for their homeland, and so as a result how much Germany was enslaved to dominate the decision-making process on the issue. Prominent among them is Otto Lilienthal's biography.

In the heart of the phenomenon of mind there is a true verticality. This verticality is not empty rhetoric. It is a principle of order, a law which governs the mind fabric - a scale along which the individual can experience various degrees of distinguished insights. Mental life, all the clever and delicate feelings, hopes and fears, all the moral forces which are involved in the future of the individual, have vertical differential in the mathematical meaning of the word. If we want to know really how emotions evolve, the first thing to do is to determine the extent to which they make us heavier or lighter. The positive or negative vertical differential indicates well the impact and purpose of emotions on the mind. Of all the metaphors, the metaphors of height, lift, depth, sedimentation and fall, are accepted and agreed above all else. Nothing explain them but they explain everything. These metaphors have an extraordinary power: they control the dialectic of enthusiasm and despair. Vertical boldness is so vital, so clear - its superiority can not be denied - that the mind can not turn away from recognizing its direct and immediate meaning.
Gaston Bashelard writes in the second chapter of his book 'Air and Dreams’ that the wings that are not visible are those that fly as far. The mind doesn’t feels quick affection to birds flying in the sky. Their flight movement creates immediate abstraction and a stunning dynamic image which is perfect, full and complete. The reason for this fast and complete impression is the beauty of the dynamic image. This abstraction leads us to the flowless flight that we experience without formal images during dreams, which is reduced to a full joy and a whole impression of lightness. This abstract flight itself is used as an axis. Around it the many images of our daily existence are gathered. The reason birds attract our attention is not their colors. Their main beauty is their flight. This flight is a base for the dynamic imagination. In the reality of dynamic imagination flying create a unique colour. The vision becomes at once the memory of our dreams and a passion for a reward that God promised us. We are envious of the bird’s part in the univers and we associate wings with what we love, because we feel instinctively that in the domain of joy and bless our bodies will move in space like a bird in the air. Bird Psychology creates a super natural ideal which associates the reality we experienced with a dream. Man, according to this ideal, will become a super bird which, far from this world, will fly among the infinite worlds to its real environment, the land of air. In folklore tales and the romantic creation as well we find many imaginative descriptions, direct and indirect, of flight. the bird, graceful and light, reflects images of love, youth, sweetness and purity. These features are, in fact, primary mental realities. We associate so many features to the birds that cross the sky during the day because we experience through our imagination a joyous flight, one that creates in us youth impression. This is also because the dreamy flight is usually also pure sensuality.
The bird, created to live in the air, the purest and most mysterious element, is inevitably the shape of the final creation, the supreme and most independent shape. The wing, an integral part of flying, bestows noble and ideal perfection to almost all realities. Our soul, escaping from the earthly existence which draws us down to the bottom of this earth, will transform into a magnificent body, easier and faster than of any bird. The role of the natural wing is to float up and carry what is heavy to where the gods stay. More than anything else belonging to the body, it is a partner of the divine nature. By its material power, this partnership provides a very practical significance to the abstract partnership. As the saying goes:''I never loved someone without associating wings to the love”. Therefore it is immediately clear that human wings are a barrier. Whether the artist has designed them large or small, sagging or swinging, ruffled or smooth, they remain motionless for our mind. Imagination is unable to make the link. The image, the winged statue, is static. The wings are a symbol of flying to satisfy allegorical tradition and reason, but we have to look somewhere else for different dynamic hints.
Only indirect processes allow the best solution for the problem of presenting the idea of wings to the human mind. Imagination creates an immediate connection between the purity of the air and the movement of the wings. Bird's body is made ​​from the air surrounding her and her life are made from ​​the movement that carries her on and on. All the feelings that we encounter in everyday life are refined, as they eventually channeled, to the flight experience reality in the creative imagination. Therefore ‘flight of ideas’ is not just allegory and a worn phrase but the true movement of birds’ abstract wings. The changing of the shape of the wings in the air is actually the hidden engine of all human spirituality, its DNA code.

Otto Lilienthal [1848-1896] was a German engineer of Jewish origin, aviation pioneer and the world's most famous Aviator in the late 19th century. Lilienthal did a lot to promote aviation and was the first person who designed and built a glider that could carry a person in the air. Based on researches he conducted on the flight of birds he wrote a book on Aeronautics, published in 1889, which was used later by the Wright brothers. One of his major discoveries was that he showed the advantages of a curved wing against a flat wing. For his flights Lilienthal constructed in Berlin an artificial hill that he built with his own money. Within five years he had produced a commercial model of glider for amateurs. His gliders hovered for hundreds of meters and for few seconds, yet it was an almost unprecedented achievement in human history.
Lilienthal thought of birds flying in the wind in the perspective of Birds Psychology and not just as the model for human aviation. He was attracted to the idea of flights through imitation of the structure and movement of the birds’ wings because this idea dominated the perception of European aviation from ancient ages to Leonardo Da-Vinci. His observations on the flight of birds, especially flying storks, reinforced his conclusion that the bird is the one that should be a model for human aviation. He attributed great importance to the complexity of wings movements and argued not to give up their imitation, because it means losing all hope of flying. He argued, consequently, that the flight is primarily a personal matter and can be defined as ‘the way a person is flying in any direction he wants, by an installation attached to his body, of which the use requires personal skill’. However, despite his confidence in his way, Lilienthal asked not see in his achievements more then what they were. The photographs showed him hovering in the sky and created the impression that the problem of human flight was solved, but he stated that he is in the same place of a child who tries to imitate adult actions. Lilienthal's aviation career indeed lasted only few years:
1893 - Lilienthal built his artificial hill on the outskirts of Berlin and started to perform his flights, some of them to a distance of 250 meters. The same year he began building few models of gliders and a flying machine with motor-driven flapping wings. Over hundreds of attempts, which he documented with photographs, he could gradually improve the results of duration, height, and distance.
1894 - He started serial commercial production of simple and efficientl glider, but sold only few units.
1895 - He received visits of famous aviation pioneers, Langley from United States and Zocovsky from Russia.
1896 - He continued experimenting with new models. On 9 August 1896 he crashed after more than 2500 flights and was killed at the age of 48. The crash that caused his death happened after he lost control during a standard glider’s flight, as a result of a strong and unexpected side wind gust.
Lilienthal wrote and lectured a lot about his inventions. He published articles in scientific and popular journals. He became one of the most famous icons of the late 19th century. He photographed consistency his flights by professional photographers and the images combined the innovation of photojournalism with the innovation of his flights. Lilienthal was received with the same degree of enthusiasm among the scientific community and the public alike and his lectures about interesting experiments received applause. Lilienthal said that it is impossible to invent the art of flight in the same way gunpowder was invented, because theory has not much room for this occupation and only actual experiments are meaningful. This is correct even for our days, when advanced wind tunnels and computer technologies are in use.
Nowdays Lilienthal is known as the first successful aviation pioneer in history. His pioneering research on birds’ wings surfaces make him one of the founders of Aerodynamic science and created the foundation for concepts that are used today. His research and his flights from 1891 to 1896 led to the invention of the motorized aircraft which flew successfully for the first time in 1903.
Flights in gliders with birds-like wings is one of the primary experiences documented in human culture. Since dawn of civilization people have tried to imitate the flight of birds by building hand-made wings. The legend in Greek mythology about Daedalus and Icarus is just one testament of many, since in almost all cultures of the world there are similar legends about people who tried to imitate the flight of birds by tying wings and flapping them with the arms’ muscles. It is possible that the winged angels figures are religious evidence for it. The legend of Daedalus and Icarus illustrates how big was the gap between the will and the ability. Muscles strength required for a bird’s flight is huge relative to the strength of human arms muscles. In addition, a bird's wing is very aerodynamic, a result of an evolution of tens of millions of years and until now it could not be properly duplicated by modern science. A prominent example of human failure in this area is the attempts of Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century. Leonardo worked for many years on drawing the structure of the wings of birds and studied their movement in air currents. Later he drew glider models based mainly on imitating the movement of their wings and possibly even built some of them. But analysis of the plans shows that they did not have any chance to take off.
Therefore the enterprise of Lilienthal is of enormous importance. The Jewish tailor’s son from Germany - Poland border town was, at the end of the 19th century, the first man who managed to partially mimic birds gliding. Lilienthal researched well the structure of the birds’ wings and the way they fly. He built rigid non-flapping wings, harnessed them to his body and jumped with them against the wind from a hill he constructed. Lilienthal used knowledge and technology that were known to human civilization thousands of years before his time. Research observations of birds in flight were made ​​by scholars of all ancient civilizations. His use for gliders’ construction of light wooden beams and strong silk fabric also was common in the ancient world. Yet there was not in the ancient world, medieval and modern times, a genius who planned and executed what Lilienthal did.
The legend of Daedalus and Icarus is a useful and common paradigm among aviation historians, which describes the many victims that development of aviation demanded, from its beginnings to the present. Lilienthal is known for number of maxims. One is: "Aircraft design is nothing, building it is something, but it's all to fly it’. His second important maxim is about flight risks: ‘It requires sacrifice’. German nationalists used this phrase repeatedly to highlight the achievements of German aviation through commemoration of the victims it demanded, in war and peace alike, during the crusade towards the sky that the Nazis had carried out in the 1930th, inspired by Nietzsche.
The biography of Otto Lilienthal is connected to that of his brother Gustav Lilienthal [1849-1933]. The two brothers worked together their entire lives on technical, social and cultural projects in addition to aviation, some are of great importance to this days. During his lifetime, based on his trusted gliders, Otto tried to add to them the possibility of flapping wings using a small and efficient engine which they developed. The results were not encouraging, but Gustav kept the attempts intensely until the 1930th and built a big airplane with flapping wings which could not ever takeoff, long even after the aircraft with fixed wings and propeller had become the sole dominator of the skies. This mistake was very common since not only the movement of the wings of the bird was considered as an essential component for creating the lift for flight, but wings flapping was perceived also as an essential element of the soul, just like the leaves on trees. 'Flight of Ideas’ is not just a worn allegory but an abstract truth. The changing shape of the wings in the air is actually the hidden engine of all human spirituality.
Another Jewish personality who expressed human anxiety about overcoming gravity not in a completely natural way was Theodor Hertzel. In 1896 Hertzel wrote a story called 'Airship’ about a man who invented an aircraft, one of the biggest dreams of his time, but destroys it with his own hands because of his understanding that this invention may be used in the future as a distructive tool for wars. This prediction was original in Hertzel's time, since the majority of mankind regarded the aircraft as an instrument which will bring peace to the world. It is possible also that this prediction was in the root of Hertzel’s Zionism. Hertzel wrote in 1896: “The earth floats in mid-air. Perhaps similarly I can found and stabilize the Jewish state without a firm support. The secret lies in the motion. I beleive that dirigible airship will somehow be invented on this principle”.
We can, in a poetic way, learn about the enormous impact of birds’ wings flapping on human thinking also from the theory of relativity by Albert Einstein: The birds ability to overcome gravity can be described in his terms as ‘energy which is invested in constant, fast and endless movement and create chain reaction’.
Sigmund Freud too was probably influenced by Otto Lilienthal in his research of human sexuality and the Oedipus complex in particular. Flight and sensuality are bound together in the reality of dreams and in this respect Lilienthal was clearly a phallic figure.
Most serious studies about the personality of Adolf Hitler claim that he suffered from psychological development complexes. No doubt, in view of the historical facts, that Hitler projected from his personal troubles to the politics of modern Germany and he probebly regarded the Jewish aviation pioneers as part of these problems and therefore a legitimate reason for antisimitism, in light of the airplane invention by the Wright Brothers and Germany’s defeat in World War One.

The Wright brothers have stated that Lilienthal was an influential figure on their way to the revolutionary design of the aircraft with fixed wings, although their invention was a huge leap and unconventional scientific and cultural breakthrough. They came to Germany in 1909, as part of a European tour which aroused tremendous interest and made ​​them the world's most famous people. The Europeans, unlike the Americans who rejected at first the invention of the airplane, quickly adopted the new invention because of their general interest in aviation. This interest was largely thanks to Lilienthal and David Shwartz, whose development of aviation engine for airships surely contributed to the Wright Brothers.

The Invention of the fixed-wing aircraft with propeller is a significant cultural landmark, which manifested the transition from Romanticism to Modernism. Futurism was artistic and social movement that started in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century and continues today. It was largely Italian, but there were parallel movements also in Russia, England and many other countries. Futurism turned to the feelings of modern man and his experiences of mass production, the media, and advanced transportation and communication systems, from the airplane to the phone, from the cinema to fast food. These are all expressions of modernity which changed necessarily the perception of all daily life and therefore alter the modes of expression of the poet and painter. The airplane’s invention had created a chain reaction: Aviation was the most valued subject for the Italian Futurist artists. Italian Fascism was inspired directly by Futurism and German Nazism was inspired directly by that Fascism. So it was ideologically and in all political, social and military actions.