Tuesday, November 03, 2020

The HeartMath Experience

The HeartMath Experience is a 90-minute video program that is divided into 9-chapters. HeartMath Experts and Master Trainers teach you 5 time-relevant and scientifically validated techniques. The program combines stunning visuals with valuable lessons to help you gain new insights. 

Learn to access your heart’s intuitive intelligence so you can respond to day-to-day challenges with more ease and composure. UPDATE June 23, 2020 - We are currently giving this online video program away, no cost to you - yes it is absolutely free through the end of August 2020. The world events this year has caused a tremendous amount of fear, anxiety and stress for people. We felt it vital to get these tools to as many people as possible. Please share this information with your family, friends and network. 
*****. GET ACCESS TO PROGRAM FREE AT THIS LINK: hmath.me/hmexpfree 
Connect with the power and intelligence of your heart. Introducing a new online video program to help you connect with the intelligence of your heart. Learn 5 essential techniques to help you respond to day-to-day challenges with more clarity and composure. Learn more at HeartMath.com