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Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Connection between Haifa and the Sea

One can engage in endless discussions regarding the connection between Haifa and the sea, but in doing so it must be clear that over the long beach, which stretches for almost 20 kilometers from Kiriat-Haim to Tirat-Carmel, there are areas of different characteristics and there are therefore separate issues, each requiring a different solution:

A. Kishon River Park - א
Problem: The park is a key element in the relationship between city and sea because the river's estuary is a long section of the bay shore. Kishon River is in a purification process these days and the park covers a very limited area near Kishon port. The major land use around the Kishon estuary is very large ship-containers yards.
Solution: To make the Kishon River Park a center of activity for the general population. Its geographic location is in the center of the metropolitan area, but this geographic center is the most neglected part of this metropolin of around 1 million people. The olympic football stadium will be integrated with the natural view of Haifa Bay which is similar to a natural stadium. Proximity to many major transportation terminals will makes the site particularly attractive, and around the stadium should be built olympic sport park with many more sports and recreation facilities, including a promenade connecting to downtown Haifa.

B. Downtown commercial center - ב
Problem: The passage from downtown to the beach was blocked after building of the port and the railroad along the coast in the 1930s. British commercial center was built in parallel along Independence Avenue and is now mostly deserted. Municipality makes great efforts to revitalize the area, including through students campus.
Solution: Along the single kilometer in which the railroad passes in the downtown area should be built a very big terminals complex using some of the existing buildings, to establish passing roads and transport systems which will connect downtown with the seafront promenade beyond. These terminals will have many different kinds of buildings, old, renovated and new, with commercial, residential, offices uses and more. It will be one of the largest business centers in the Mediterranean.

C. Urban seafront in the German Colony - ג
Problem: The urban sea front is a nationwide program, in which the western outdated port is taken from the port authorities for development of a promenade and commercial center. Effort concentrates nowdays on opening a single road at the intersection of Independence - Ben Gurion boulevards, for crossing the railroad tracks and connecting with Bat-Galim promenade. Port authorities oppose the confiscation of space, and there is also controversy regarding planning cumbersome bridges over the tracks.
Solution: The dispute with the port can be resolved by using, at first, only one road near the port's fence toward Bat-Galim promenade. For crossing the tracks the best solution is to lower the square adjacent to the railway lines, while slightly elevating the tracks, and building a railroad bridge in the German Colony style, that below of it will pass cars and pedestrian traffic to the seafront.

D. Bat-Galim Promenade - ד
Problem: Currently the promemade is partialy blocked by the naval base and Rambam hospital. These days a road near the shore is built around Ramban, but the future of the promenade remains a question until the issue of the marina location will be resolved.
Solution: To build a large marina in the north-east part of the neighborhood facing Haifa Bay, adjacent to the newly built breakwater for of the navy. This marina will be in the quiet waters of the bay, instead of a marina on the stormy west coast which appeared in previous programs.

E. Long beach at the southern entrance to the city - ה
Problem: The distance from Dado promenade to Bat-Galim promenade is several kilometers of natural shores. Small part of it was built in recent years as Hecht Park. Railway lines passes a few dozen meters parallel to the shores and today the access to the beaches is mainly through few tunnels under the tracks, in some improvised style. Recently a short section of rail, near the park, was approved to be sinked  at a cost of half a billion Shekels. The plan is clearly impractical, since it does not solve the problem of access to the sea in other parts of the city. In addition, it will be a barrier to the water from the Carmel mountain coastal aquifer flowing into the sea.
Solution: To continue developing the small tunnels that exist under the tracks in this area and add to them as necessary, while continue development of a long pedestrian promenade along the beaches.

The issue of railway electrification
Problem: Railway electrification is a national issue. Electrification will bring financial savings, reduction of air pollution, and increasing train speed and efficiency. But the electricity poles are ugly and unsuitable for important tourist country such as Israel the Holy Land. Electrification may totally block the  link between Haifa and the sea, and there is also danger of radiation issue. 
Solution: In the whole country and not only in Haifa, the trains should use 'new generation third line'. Third line is a power line that pass near the ground between the tracks, and is used mainly in urban and suburban lines, for trains traveling at up to 150 km per hour. The meaning of the term 'new generation' is that the line transmit electricity only where it touch the train and the danger is minimal. The state of Israel is mostly one big city and there are no super fast trains, so it is recommended to use this method.

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