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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tolerance and Estimation

Many political leaders in Israel celebrate the value of "Tolerance" almost to the level of a religion. Politicians preach citizens  "Tolerance"for others, especially if they belong to any minority. Is not this important request also a request to be tolerant for mistakes of the politicians themselves. If "Tolerance" is so important and they preach it vigorously, why not allow them from our hearts an overdose of "Tolerance" and not expect anything in return?

It is therefore important to understand the origin of the term "Tolerance" in modern society. Although "Tolerance" is an ancient value, its philosophical meaning in modern politic was developed by the philosopher John Locke in the 17th century, in his influential book "Essay on Human Understanding", in which he explores the wisdom of the human mind and human behavior in society.

"Essay on Human Understanding" was in competition with corresponding Thomas Hobbes' "Leviathan". Hobbes described a nature where the big fish swallow the little fish, and that natural behavior require a state of absolute monarchy or a dictatorship.

John Locke, unlike Hobbes, described a society in which the value of collaboration with others is before it's all-out war. The reason for the existence of a natural community is the need for constant learning together to overcome common challenges. Constant need for learning and collaboration to achieve quality goals, which are inherently beyond the power of the individual, naturally creates a "Tolerance" value - as the basis for cooperation between people who are different from one another, and so it is promoted as a supreme value.

Value of "Tolerance" as described by John Locke has become the cornerstone of modern society: liberalism, democracy, free markets, social help, and more, were all right. The concept also became popularized and often cited by every politician.

But it is  important to remember that "Tolerance" exists in the community to achieve common goals, and above all learning together. Power of it is important only when community members can learn from one another more easily.

To explain how "Tolerance" helps us learn from one another John Locke coined the term "Estimation"', which has close meaning to the concept of 'probability'.

We can not know everything on our own. This is evident today, in the era of knowledge revolution and knowledge economy. But it was also the same in the past. We were always depend on others to get most information and knowledge we needed for our survival and development. We humans are warm-blooded mammals that live in groups, and imitate very well as a developed skill. We do not work individually, or automatically play a role, such as with reptiles and insects. We are constantly changing depending on the circumstances, and exchange roles and places all of our lives, along with other people around us, and always it is rooted in us that under certain circumstances and efforts, we can fulfill any place in the social hierarchy.

We humans are able to do so because we do not need much time to store all the information necessary for our existence, but we are satisfied with the storage and processing of only a small part. The main part we find around us without thinking. We are able to perform so many actions, even when we have learned very little, because the total amount of information is found in those around us.

We are part of the 'Universal Mind', a concept coined by the French philosopher Chardin, and we find in society at any time the ability to connect to that mind and draw from it to our needs.

We sometimes call this ability 'faith', 'inspiration', 'recollection' or 'revelation'. But in reality it is the most common behaviour. It is an integral part of everyday life, but we tend not to pay attention to it because of inconvenience.

Of course the phenomenon is more common in more intimate settings, such as family life, children environment and the like. In children "Estimation"' is the strongest and most successful way of learning. They really swallow large pieces of knowledge without adults noticing.

To the ability to draw a conclusion in emotional way rather than by dry logic, by the common human experience, large or small, John Locke called indeed  "Estimation". It is the basis in our lives, through which we discover the surrounding in natural faith and act on the basis of mutual trust. It is developed in us to the concept of 'learning something out of something else' in daily life.

Of course "Estimation"' has many limitations and restrictions. We can easily misuse mutual trust, but this are considered 'the exception that proves the rule'. Society founded on the principles of Hobbes put a lot of resources to maintain order, and has much trouble with understanding others, because of the secrecy and suspicion Kafka described so well. This society collapses quickly as a bad memory. However society based on mutual trust devote much less resources for maintaining social order, and therefore it is much more efficient. This is also what teaches us the historical experience: democracies defeated dictatorships and the free thinker always win his dogmatic rival.

"Estimation"' is therefore equally important to "Tolerance", but what its political application?

While politicians are waving about "Tolerance" they forget the value of the "Estimation". They impose on citizens rigid rules, authoritarianism and limited individual freedom, which does not allow to fully form economic and civil spheres.

Worse yet is that without an understanding of the concept "Estimation" politicians tend to be short-sighted regarding the long-term vision of the state and city management.

"Estimation" requires flexible thinking and the use of imagination and creativity when making any important decision. You can not be "Tolerant" and in parallel design a city or country, social or physical plane, according to conservative planning principles, limited and short-sighted.

Who is showcasing the flag of "Tolerance" must also use the tool "Estimation" in its fullest creative applications. When one releases himself from strict rules and narrow considerations, he discovers the ability to connect with the general human spirit in full, with all sources in the world, learn from the experience of others and imitate their blessed labor. Politicians must see the future not for short-term political end, but also for future generations. With  "Estimation" parallel to "Tolerance", they will look straight ahead through two observation tools and will have important insights as with powerful binoculars.

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