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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

The book Anthropomorphic Maps

Modern technological revolutions did not make the location less significant. On the contrary, they have increased its importance, because humans have become more aware of themselves. There is no more natural in our time than to combine the spectacular views of the earth's surface and outer space with new images.

Anthropomorphism, which is the provision of human qualities and appearance to inanimate objects and animals, is very common in world cultures as a means of expression. Within the framework of all known religious beliefs, this principle is used on a daily basis, but modern technologies also require the use of it in order to improve the connection between the machine and the person.

The great popularity of Anthropomorphism rests on the fact that the human body is the focal point of attention to cultivation, nutrition and health. The human body is a miniature world in which the outside world is reflected. Therefore, there is a historical collaboration between medical professionals and artists for the purpose of illustrating the anatomy by the most graphic and artistic methods, even at the expense of pure scientific description.

In the book "Anthropomorphic Maps" are described, in the first part - ''anthropomorphism", the origins of anthropomorphism.

The second part, "The Anthropomorphic Map," describes the sources of these maps, in which the surface is described as a human figure.

The third section, "Historical Anthropomorphic Maps," covers the development of these maps from the dawn of history to the present.

In the fourth section, "Other Anthropomorphic Maps", original maps of different regions of the world, from continents, through states to islands, are presented.

The fifth part - "Map of the Human Figure of the Holy Land" - deals with the original work of the author of this book, which sheds light on the origins and meaning of Jewish faith.

The sixth part - "The Anthropomorphic City" - deals with the city. The city is a whole expression of Anthropomorphism in space.

The seventh part - "Earth and Outer Space" - is devoted to the Anthropomorphic landscapes that are revealed in outer space.

The eighth part - "Means of Transport" - deals with the car, the ship, and the airplane, through which mankind travels from place to place, and in the way gives them humanized qualities.

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