Read a new original book: Air and Screen - Combined History of Aviation and the Media

Read a new original book: Air and Screen - Combined History of Aviation and the Media
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Saturday, December 15, 2018


There is saying: ''a picture is worth 1000 words''. Cartoon, originally, is a hard paper board used for impressing shapes. This concept is also used for making graphics popularly know as cartoons. Cartoons as such are pictorial impressions created by cartoonists. They are drawings or pictures in a full-size pattern, for graphic expression in any available information channel.

Cartoons are popular because of their funny expression of truth in life. They often make us laugh. They convey a message that strike to the heart of the matter. Cartoon graphics must communicate ideas very quickly. Cartoons should strike the viewer and provide food for thought. Cartoonists insert a thought on any frame they create. Elusive feelings like sorrow, happiness, anger etc., are issued in them, but  in an articulated way.

Cartoons have categories bases on events or instances such as Business, Office, Sales, Babies, Family, Kids, Marriage, Animals, Pets, Professions, Politics, Psychiatry, Science, Education, Teaching, Technology, Entertainment, Sports, and others. Cartoons are used in Newspapers, Newsletters, Advertising, Websites, Presentations, Magazines, Books, Greeting cards, Blogs, Textbooks, Internet, Intranets, Manuals, Cover sheets and anything else that could benefit from a good expression and pronounciation. Cartoons can be customized with logo design, mascots, symbols, etc.

Caricatures and cartoons
Many artists can drow caricatures. Caricatures are funny and/or critical cartoons commenting on any activity done by real people. Following some activities and expressing them in pictorial can be a  tough job for regular graphic artists. Cartoonists can make it easily as it is his/her skill. A Cartoonist can draw comically distorted drawings on any activity. Making caricatures of politicians and celebrities is a common and popular practice. Many daily newspapers employ a cartoonist for publishing daily cartoons on political issues, social issues and other issues, with a touch of comic expression. 
The greatest political cartoonist of the late 19th century was Thomas Nast, who was noted for his cartoon crusades against political corruption in the United States. Nast popularized the symbols of the country's major political parties and leaders in a form of cartoons.
In television there are many exclusive cartoon programs, with the  purpose of attracting the viewers. Their impacts can be conveyed for delivering important messages.

Cartoon Characters
Cartoon Characters can look like real human beings, or can be totally imaginary. In any case they show human activities, like feelings, thinking, reaction, consistency, dress code and moods. There are many exclusive cartoon characters, and some of them made their creators very famous.

Cartoonists have the born qualities for creating graphics for their livelihood. Their practice, opportunity and interest, take them to a respected position. They are aware of many things happening around. They have such ideas and thoughts that can be utilized for society. Many cartoonists are degree holders in fine arts or graphics design. Many of them are skilled also in computer technology for advanced implementation. They come across many experiments, to explore many creativities and ideas during their studies work. Their competitive environment might help them a lot in career building.

AniBoom has many promoting events and opportunities for aspirant cartoonists and graphics artists. The events, like seminars, workshops, and contests, are helping many aspirants worldwide.

About the Author

 Shakir A.

Shakir A. is an independent writer on topics like marketing of products and services through electronic media, especially for Entertainment, creatives and movies. For details log on to ''aniboom''.

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